Information for Human Rights Advocates
Text of Disability Convention and Optional Protocol (pdf) / Disability Convention(html) / Optional Protocol(html)
*Using Human Rights Mechanisms* *new* pdf word
UN materials on human rights applying CRPD (**see also below, CRPD Committee work**)
Human Rights Instruments of the United Nations (website)
Special Rapporteur on Torture, Report on Torture and Persons with Disabilities (Nowak Report 2008)
Special Rapporteur on Torture, Report on Torture in Healthcare Settings (Mendez, 2013 - statement to Human Rights Council) (en español)
Mendez report 2013
WNUSP response to Mendez report and statement
Compilation of responses to Mendez report - includes his deferential reply to psychiatric associations, and Tina Minkowitz article among many others
Special Rapporteur on Torture, Report on Standard Minimum Rules on the Treatment of Prisoners
Special Rapporteur on Torture Annual Report - see paragraph 202, case from Norway
UN Basic Principles and Guidelines on remedies and procedures against arbitrary detention
Revised Standard Minimum Rules on the Treatment of Prisoners - NB, some aspects problematic in light of CRPD, see my analysis
Rashida Manjoo Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, August 2012 Report and Statement at side event
OHCHR Information Note on Detention and Persons with Disabilities
OHCHR Study on Legal Measures to Ratify and Implement CRPD (see especially paragraphs 43-47 on legal capacity, and 48-49 on liberty)
UN OHCHR Guide to Monitoring CRPD (English pdf) (English word) (Spanish pdf)
OHCHR Study on Article 19 Living Independently and Being Included in the Community
OHCHR Background Note and Conclusions from Expert Meeting on Liberty and Security of the Person
OHCHR Report on human rights and mental health
Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, UN Principles and Guidelines on Remedies and Procedures on the Right of Anyone Deprived of Their Liberty to Bring Proceedings Before a Court
Special Rapporteur on Health, Report on the right to mental health (not fully CRPD compliant re immediate elimination of coercion, but useful for critique of psychiatry)
Special Rapporteur on Torture (2020) - report on psychological torture, see mainly para 37 recapitulating standard that forced psychiatric interventions for supposed 'best interest' 'may well amount to torture'
CRPD Committee:
Reporting Guidelines for Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2009) (English) (Spanish)
Guidelines on Reporting including simplified procedure (Sept 2016)
CRPD Committee General Comment No. 1 on Article 12 (legal capacity)
CRPD General Comment No. 3 on women with disabilities
CRPD General Comment No. 5 on Article 19, living independently and being included in community (links with Article 14 and refers to Guidelines)
CRPD General Comment No. 6 on Article 5, equality and non-discrimination
CRPD General Comment No. 7 on Articles 4.3 and 33.3
Concluding Observations: Tunisia Spain Peru Argentina China Hungary Paraguay El Salvador Austria Australia Sweden Azerbaijan Costa Rica Belgium Denmark Ecuador Mexico Republic of Korea New Zealand Cook Islands Croatia Czech Republic Dominican Republic Germany Mongolia Turkmenistan Brazil Mauritius Kenya Gabon Qatar Ukraine Lithuania Chile Thailand Uganda Slovakia Portugal Serbia Guatemala Colombia United Arab Emirates Italy Ethiopia Bolivia
Note: for subsequent Concluding Observations please see CRPD Committee's website, also IDA compilations.
Statement for High Level Meeting on Disability and Development
General Materials
CHRUSP Indicators revised (work in progress) as of 28 Feb 2019 word
CHRUSP Indicators on Articles 12, 14, 15, 19, 25 pdf word
CHRUSP Recommended Indicators on CRPD Articles 14 and 15 pdf word
Minkowitz, CRPD Advocacy by WNUSP and Emergence of User/Survivor Perspective
WNUSP CRPD Implementation Manual
IDA Position Paper - CRPD and Other Disability-Related Instruments
Minkowitz Affidavit on CRPD standards
CHRUSP/Absolute Prohibition Campaign submission to consultation on Article 4.3
Tina Minkowitz on CRPD as Emancipatory Human Rights Practice (Confcap Conference, Paris Dec 2017)
CHRUSP third party intervention on COE Bioethics Convention
CHRUSP Deinstitutionalization Briefing Paper
Minkowitz, Reimagining Crisis Support: Matrix, Roadmap and Policy
Legal Capacity
IDA CRPD Forum Principles for the Implementation of Article 12(english) pdf english y doc en español y pdf español
Legal Opinion on CRPD Article 12 / Opinion Legal sobre Articulo 12
IDA letter on Functional Capacity en español
Legal Capacity Implementation - presentation at April 8 side event
Norms and Implementation of Article 12
IDA Submission to Day of General Discussion on Article 12
CHRUSP-WNUSP Submission to Day of General Discussion on Article 12
WNUSP: Legal Capacity as Right, Principle and Paradigm (Submission to CRPD Committee)
The Paradigm of Supported Decision-Making(ppt) in pdf
La capacidad legal inherente y la toma de decisiones con apoyo
CHRUSP Analysis of Hague Convention on International Protection of Adults
WNUSP on Political Participation and Legal Capacity
Alternative to Functional Capacity (paper by Tina Minkowitz)
Legal Capacity and Psychosocial Disability
Legal Capacity from a Gender Perspective
CRPD and Transformative Equality (author's original, version of record is at:
Analysis of Peru's legal capacity reform
Alternative Declaration developed at Seoul World Congress on Adult Guardianship 2018 - text with compiled signatures pdf and word
Prohibition of Involuntary Hospitalization and Involuntary Treatment: Countering Misapprehensions - Briefing paper BriefingPaperProhibitionInvol.docx
CHRUSP Amicus to Colombian Constitutional Court supporting Ley 1996, legal capacity reform
CHRUSP Paper - Why Mental Health Laws Contravene the CRPD (pdf) (word version)
WNUSP Amicus Brief to European Court of Human Rights, Mihailovs v. Latvia
Forced Psychiatric Interventions as Torture
CHRUSP on access to justice for disability-related arbitrary detention and torture (pdf) and (word)
Third-Party Intervention in Daniels v Australia (CRPD Optional Protocol) (pdf) and word
Tina Minkowitz presentation to CRPD side event on Article 15
List of References for further reading on torture and nonconsensual psychiatric interventions
Hege Orefellen on reparations (from CRPD Art 15 side event)
Jolijn Santegoeds information (from CRPD Art 15 side event)
Experience of forced drugging and electroshock, NN
ENUSP/MDAC/IDA/WNUSP Submission to Special Rapporteur on Torture related to torture in healthcare settings (pdf)
Minkowitz expert submission and recommendations on torture in healthcare settings
Minkowitz, The UN CRPD and the Right to be Free from Nonconsensual Psychiatric Interventions
Forced interventions and institutionalization as torture/CIDT from perspetive of people with disabilities (presentation to OHCHR seminar on torture and persons with disabilities)
Alliance Against Torture in Psychiatry
WNUSP summary of CAT standards and advocacy paper
Minkowitz commentary on 2020 report by Special Rapporteur on Torture
Application of CRPD to Human Rights Monitoring of Psychiatric Institutions and Prisons
CHRUSP/WNUSP/IDA Recommendations for OPCAT Monitoring of Psychiatric Institutions
WNUSP Submission to Thematic Discussion on Monitoring Psychiatric Institutions and Prisons
Prison Reform/Abolition and CRPD
Minkowitz, "Rethinking criminal responsibility from a critical disability perspective: The abolition of insanity/incapacity acquittals and unfitness to plead, and beyond" (This is Accepted Manuscript; Version of Record is available at
WNUSP paper for SMR review meeting March 2014 SMR Submission Jan 2014
WNUSP/ENUSP/IDA/MDAC amicus brief in Koroviny v Russia
Submission to Special Rapporteur on Torture regarding the Standard Minimum Rules
WNUSP/PANUSP/CHRUSP Statement and Textual Amendments to SMR
WNUSP/CHRUSP Submission Dec 2012 to Review of Standard Minimum Rules
Discussion Paper on Prison and Mental Health Systems, Hazen and Minkowitz
Intervention at Vienna Inter-Governmental Expert Meeting on Standard Minimum Rules
WNUSP submission for revision of UN Standard Minimum Rules for Treatment of Prisoners
WNUSP position paper on prison and mental health
Daniel Hazen presentation on mental health, criminal justice and trauma
Minkowitz presentation on Insanity Defense Abolition and Alternatives (NARPA 2014)
Minkowitz commentary on US Supreme Court decision regarding insanity defense
Forced Psychiatry as Violence against Women
CHRUSP submission to CEDAW Consultation on draft Update of General Recommendation No. 19 (violence against women)(pdf) and word
WNUSP side event on CRPD Article 6, Aug 2015
WNUSP/CHRUSP Submission on Violence Against Women with Disabilities
CHRUSP paper on Forced Psychiatry as Violence Against Women
INWWD paper on Violence Against Women with Disabilities
CRPD and Prohibition of Forced Psychiatry
WNUSP on Prohibition of Forced Treatment (English pdf) (English word) (Spanish word)
What would it mean to stop coercion in psychiatry?
WNUSP Submission on Harmful Cultural Practices
Minkowitz, Prohibition of Compulsory Mental Health Treatment and Detention Under the CRPD
CHRUSP amicus to European Court of Human Rights on CRPD and draft Oviedo Protocol
CRPD and Rights of Older Persons
WNUSP recommendations to OAS English y Español
WNUSP/CHRUSP submission to OHCHR consultation
Text proposals for potential new UN instrument on rights of older persons
CHRUSP Submissions to 9th session Open Ended Working Group on Ageing - on the designated topics Autonomy and Independence, Long-term and Palliative Care, and normative standards on Equality and Non-discrimination and on Violence, Neglect and Abuse
CHRUSP Statements to 9th OEWG - General Debate, Autonomy and Independence, Long-term Care and Palliative Care, and Normative Standards on Equality and Non-discrimination and on Violence, Neglect and Abuse
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