Good practices
This page is a work in progress. The CRPD is silent on the question of how supports should be implemented, and whether mental health services in particular represent a retrogressive or neutral option for the future (they cannot be unequivocally positive in light of their undoubted historical, and present, perpetration of serious human rights violations).
Tina Minkowitz is working to develop a conceptual model for crisis support based in Articles 12 and 19 of the CRPD, independent from mental health discourse and practices. Resources from that project are included on this page, along with other resources on alternatives to, and within, mental health services, that comply with the abolition of forced psychiatric interventions.
Disclaimer: CHRUSP recommends the enclosed materials but does not necessarily endorse every recommendation or position in every document other than our own.
Crisis support based on Article 12 and 19 of the CRPD
Positive policy to replace forced psychiatry, based on CRPD
Discernment as process, not precondition
Towards Positive Policy (working notes that led to later papers)
Materials from joint side event on Human Rights, Mental Health, and Alternative Supports (June 13, 2017)
Event flyer
Living independently as equal members of community
Report on workshop for model law of inclusion
Disability Integration Act (introduced in US Congress)
Mental Health Policy and Human Rights
WNUSP/IDA Response to WHO Draft Global MH Action Plan
Minkowitz on Reparations (Open Minds article)
Legal Capacity
Peruvian Legal Capacity Reform - Celebration and Analysis
CHRUSP Model Law Guidelines Based on India Proposals
Mexico City Human Rights Commission Report and Plan of Action
CACL Report on Alternatives to Guardianship
India Draft National Trust Act Amendments and Draft Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Harmonizing Laws
India Final Bill on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (not yet enacted)
Supported decision-making and Alternatives to Coercion
Manifest of Stichting Mind Rights
Trauma-informed support
Daniel Hazen presentation on mental health, criminal justice and trauma
Different ways of looking at Madness
Beyond Belief - Tamasin Knight
Resources on mental health policy
Process and participation issues
Reflections on Participation in Consultations
What Allies in the Psychiatric Profession Can Do
Stastny, Involuntary Psychiatric Interventions: Breach of Hippocratic Oath?