International law materials
CRPD - the treaty and its monitoring body
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol (2006) - see also General Information, Negotiation Archives, Conference of States Parties (annual event at UN headquarters in NY, or virtual), Ratifications and signatures of CRPD and OP
Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - see also Sessions page (for past and future country reviews)
General Comment No. 1 on Article 12 (equal recognition before the law) and Corrigendum (2014)
Guidelines on Article 14 - liberty and security of the person (2015)
General Comment No. 5 on Article 19 (living independently and being included in the community)
Concluding Observations on country reports, see most recent compilation searchable by article of CRPD
Jurisprudence (enter 'CRPD' in 'symbol' field) (decisions in cases under Optional Protocol)
Other UN human rights mechanisms
Human Rights Council
Thematic study on legislative implementation of CRPD A/HRC/10/48 (2009)
Working Group on Arbitrary Detention
Special Rapporteur on Torture
Thematic report on torture and persons with disabilities A/63/175 (Nowak, 2008)
Thematic report on torture in health-care context A/HRC/22/53 (Méndez, 2013)
Thematic report on psychological torture A/HRC/43/49 (Melzer, 2021)
Special Rapporteur on Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Special Rapporteur on Health
Regional human rights mechanisms
CEDDIS - OAS Committee for the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities
General Observation No. 1 on legal capacity (2010) in Spanish
Practical Guide on establishment of supports in exercise of legal capacity (2021) in Spanish, English, Portuguese
National law reforms implementing CRPD
Legislative decree No. 1384 - legal capacity reform (2018) in Spanish and in English with commentary
Mental health regulations (applying legal capacity reform) in Spanish
Law 1996 - legal capacity reform (2019) in Spanish
Other useful thematic instruments
UN basic principles and guidelines on right to remedy and reparation (2005)